Markup language for web UI

HTML is made out of tags. Tags can hold values with attributes. For example: <html attribute="attribute value">

HTML tag structure

An html tag is made out of it's openning tag, closing tag, it's content in the middle and it's attributes and values on it's opening tag. There are tags the don't have closing tags like the <br/> and <img/> tags.

HTML tag structure

An html page is the base of the website. It defines the HTML version, meta data and the elements of the page. From displaying inputs to loading files, you can do a lot with a few steps in HTML

You can create your own html files like this "index.html" or "any-name_you_want.html" and open it in your browser just by double clicking on it.

An achor tag can redirect the user to any page online or other files on you machine.

An image tag can show an image online or from on you computer.

With the input tag and the select and option tags you can ask the user many different types of questions to get his input.